Category Archives: Buzz

1689 Release Schedule

Hey! We’re writing songs based on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We’re also planning how we’re going to fund the recording and release of this collection and when we’re going to do it. Exciting stuff! Step 1 is getting the whole team on board with a timeline, but if I may be so bold, here’s what I’m thinking in the near-term:

Fall Kickstarter campaign for 1689 volume 1 with a release in April 2019. Firm Foundation Deluxe Collection release for this Christmas which will include some new recordings.


Next Series Planning Begins!

We’ve taken the summer off from performing hymn-sings and have been able to recharge our batteries and regroup ahead of beginning to tackle our next recording project.

Building on the success of our 2012-2014 Firm Foundation series, we hope to use proceeds from the upcoming Deluxe Edition release to partially fund recording our brand-new 1689 Hymns collection.

The 1689 is a really important Baptist Confession of faith and we are writing songs for each of the statements found in it. This is a massive, challenging project, but we hope it will be a great resource to both children and adults as they learn to articulate their faith in meaningful ways.

As we move toward recording these new songs, we find ourselves in need of a few pieces of recording equipment as we seek creative ways to keep our production costs down.

We are looking for churches, organizations, and individuals to partner with us by donating equipment such as:

  • A large-format mixing console (GL2400, Onyx 24.4, MG32, etc.)
  • Rack-mount preamps
  • Outboard gear, especially analog compressors
  • Updated audio interface (Apollo, Ensemble, Clarett, RME, etc.)

If you think you or your organization can help us out, please contact me, Jay, via phone or email:, 312-350-7349.

In exchange for any contributions, we would be honored to perform for you (in our hymn-sing format) or acknowledge your organization on our website, recording notes, etc.