2013 Moo Awards Submission Complete!

2013 moo awards submission confirmation

I am so excited about the 2013 Moo Awards! I really do think Restoration Project has a fighting chance at winning this year! What are the Moo Awards? Read all about it here.

Moo.com is an international printing company who makes some of the best printed promotional materials I’ve ever seen (stickers, business cards, greeting cards, and a few other things). And each year, they host a competition for their customers and award huge prizes for the best submissions. (We’ve entered the “Charity/Non-Profit” category.)

The grand prize is over $12,000 in cash and prizes! Wish us luck.


Mixing Engineer Confirmed for FF Hymns!


Restoration Project is pleased to announce: Shane D. Wilson has agreed to mix our Firm Foundation series recordings! Some of Shane’s most recent projects include Derek Webb’s I Was Wrong record, The Digital Age’s Evening:Morning, Indelible Grace’s Joy Beyond the Sorrow, and Andrew Peterson’s Light for the Lost Boy, among many, many others.

Photo source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=174476339353639